不丹治療手記(二十六) – 句號‧上路

4月25日,旅程終於完結了, 竟然沒有特別大的離愁別緒。

上次離開不丹的時候,真係好唔捨得, 但係今次,或許 Kinley 也相伴在旁, 哈哈,總覺得如果我再來不丹的話, 他也會跟以往一樣相送, 在機場窩心的跟我揮手告別。

我會否再到不丹? 唔,很難說,因為此程真的很辛苦。 以往完了trip被問及感受, 總會答:好好玩呀! 但今次,竟然係:好辛苦呀!

此次所遇到的壓力,遠遠超出預期, 對我的影響,亦難以估計。 世界變得陌生了,某些個人價值觀, 特別是對人的信任,更被動搖了, 被一股濃濃的孤單感蓋過……

途中遇上特別的人、特別的機遇, 令我睇清楚自己的實力, 亦帶動我進一步作內省: What’s next? 究竟我的角色、位置是怎樣? 我生命的下一步又會是怎樣?

到現在回港已兩個多月, 雖然對自己加深了解, 但這 inner journey 仍在進行中, 有些對生命的疑問, 尚在尋找答案的階段, 這些複雜的感受,亦很難跟別人分享。

奇妙的是當我即將出現大問題時, 總會收到家棟的電郵, 他,好像在遠方守護神著我似的, 雖然只是句簡單的 How are you, 但能在孤單中透出點點暖光。

想不到不丹之旅的完結, 竟是我心靈之旅的開始, 相信有另一旅程,亦在等待著我。

這不丹治療手記步入尾聲, 當中有好多野想寫,好多野想記下, 但因時間所限,不得不作取捨。 完結前,送上數篇在不丹收到的治療感想, 希望大家能分享下我收到後的喜悅啦!

This was my first experience with both hypnotherapy and singing bowl therapy. Both had a very positive effect on my body and mind. Serina, you are very gifted at asking the right questions, grasping what is needed and then formulating positive suggestions and images during the hypnotherapy which can be used afterwards, too. Thanks very much for the truly positive and stimulating experience! All the best to you and perhaps I’ll see you in Hong Kong! (Carmen, Germany)

Both the group hypnosis session and the singing bowls concert added a spiritual and calming touch to what has been a rewarding journey through a magical kingdom. Serina’s positive thinking and charm were wonderful! (Amyn, UK)

Thank you for the unique and relaxing experience. After a tiresome day, the group found the session quite helpful and beneficial. Not only in this accommodation but also in others, you should give the same sessions else in Bhutan and spread the philosophy in the world (Attendees from Turkey)

First, I would like to thank you so much for the wonderful experience and it helped me to so relaxed and … I don’t know how to explain in a word what I felt. Still I can feel the beautiful sound of bowl and vibration which made me out of all the tension and stress.

I really hope many people can experience this amazing therapy and be more happier.

I’m so lucky to meet you and got to know about this therapy.

Please come again to Bhutan and introduce to many people that your wonderful therapy. Once again, thank you so much. (Lee Youn Ji, S. Korea)



靈魂年齡 (Soul Age)


我在美國教授催眠治療的點滴(二) – 頌缽催眠療法