學員分享 - 【感受.愛】第廿七屆西藏頌缽療法工作坊 - 初階






學員分享 - 【感受.愛】第廿七屆西藏頌缽療法工作坊初階

Dear Serina, here I am writing these after-thoughts to you on my way to work, the start of another new journey.

I’ve been getting along with my D singing bowl lately, getting soothed, getting healed, getting connected. And this thought has been come up to me many times: without Serina being dedicated to this teaching, which is larger than money (well obviously we cannot deny this plays a part, kidding XP) kinda like a blessing advocating act -helping hands giving, love sharing, soul support, etc. - many souls like mine would be left un-tuned, confused and in-plugged. So I just really grateful and would like to say this to you: you are a really big-hearted person full of big love flowing through your chakras! I sincerely urge you to keep this up, Serina Si Fu! Dong! 🙏🏻 Namaste!

Just one side note that I have a photo hanging against the wall facing my bed that I bought a year back, right before I associated myself with spirituality and that I did not even know about chakra and green is for the D chakra. In the course of the past year, every day I looked into it I found the green was like fading away and I thought oh perhaps the colour got wind eroded or something that I found it less and less vivid to me and even thought of disposing it. Then these few days, bam! It suddenly looks so green, with different depths and never been more vibrant, energetic and soothing to me! Now I know I’ve just begun this brand new journey with spirituality! 😉




靈魂年齡 (Soul Age)


我在美國教授催眠治療的點滴(二) – 頌缽催眠療法