

C 是我的一位西藏頌缽療法初階班的學生。在課堂中,C 已經有一些情緒反應,課後跟我再傾談,決定嘗試用催眠治療以解心結。

過程中,C 逐漸地進入內在,面對自己,這亦是最困難的部分:原來最難面對的人,竟然是自己!其後聰慧的她作自省,將對自己及對身邊人過高且過份嚴苛的要求調節及轉化,轉變亦奇妙地在身邊逐步發生。


亦多謝 C 對我的信任,每晚閉關抱著頌缽替自己靜心,和內在溝通,由唔知點解會流淚,淚水不受控制,到明白每滴淚水的含意。哈哈,還勤力到令家人誤以為她入了邪教!不過亦都是靠她這份堅持,才令生命有轉變!



Dear Serina,

Just because I would like to sincerely thank you for accompanying me in this part of self-searching journey, I think the more suitable way would be using my pen and write as I feel.

After 3 sessions of therapy, gradually I see changes in myself and people around me - not drastically as discussed but rather appear in a more subtle way. I came to realise these changes happening on me when I was able to be more aware of my feelings at heart and thoughts from my head. It now seems very interesting to me about human consciousness and subconsciousness - own feelings and thoughts are supposed to be intimate to oneself, for they are arised within an individual being's own heart and mind; yet the mundane issues/matters proprietary to oneself can seem so distant and strange to the 'host' when s/he chooses to push them away from oneself, just like what I did.

Nevertheless, with your help, I now know that the very essence of myself, which has always been there inside of me that was once buried deep but not released, is what I am and this is me. Although there are still times when I see feelings and thoughts not align, about self vs ego, I'm thankful for being guided, by you, to tune into my soul, my very essence.

Not only do I want to thank you for offering me help in those gloomy days of feeling lost, I also want to express my gratitude to you for giving guidance without imposing judgments, which is really invaluable to a healer to relax and open up to you. May your practice in therapy keeps thriving and lighting up more souls in need! Take care!

5 Feb 2018



靈魂年齡 (Soul Age)


我在美國教授催眠治療的點滴(二) – 頌缽催眠療法