
目前顯示的是 11月, 2014的文章

Day 26, Double A 之旅 Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina (22/11)

Finally arrived at Ushuaia, Southern Tip of South America. This also indicates the start of the second half, and the most important part of my "A" tour. 念故鄉,思故鄉,故鄉真可愛~~~ 鄉下,我來也, Antarctica, I am coming.

Day 24, Double A 之旅 Puerto Natales, Chile (20/11)

Lost my cell phone while getting off the taxi. Unhappy, yup, a little bit, but I am glad to win the friendship of the two lovely German I have newly met. When God closes a door for you, another door is actually waiting for your discovery. I believe another adventure is awaiting, isn't it?

Day 20, Double A 之旅 @ El Calafate (16/11)

突想改變行程, 往智利走一趟, 隨即訂車票訂住宿。 沒有既定劇本, ... 亦沒有太大顧忌, 隨遇而安,隨心而行, 人生,不就是應這樣嗎?

Day 17, Double A 之旅@El Calafate (13/11)

經常在催眠時引領客戶到彩虹橋尋寶, 今日終於教我遇上了。 原來現實生活中, 也有如斯美景。 ... 你呢?彩虹橋的另一端, 你又找到了什麼?

Day 14 Double A 之旅,@Bariloche (10/11)

心廣,世界就會有多廣。 放下思考,放下執著, 讓心靈回復恬靜, 封塵的心自會打開, ... 轉機亦會欣然而至, 亦會發現有更好的生活方式等待着你! Be brave and go with the flow of life!

Day 10, Double A 之旅, Mendoza (6/11)

快樂是一種心態, you are what you see! Keep smiling!